Citiation Food nutritional disorders
Articles published in Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders has got h-index 13, which means every article in Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders has got 13 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | |
Total published articles |
61 | 54 | 28 | 39 | 62 | 18 | 15 | 25 | 27 | 25 | 41 |
Research, Review articles and Editorials |
5 | 5 | 5 | 28 | 26 | 11 | 13 | 24 | 27 | 21 | 31 |
Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary |
50 | 60 | 55 | 32 | 7 | 6 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 2 |
Conference proceedings |
0 | 4 | 0 | 49 | 0 | 167 | 136 | 94 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals |
60 | 96 | 97 | 103 | 72 | 80 | 58 | 82 | 88 | 37 | 19 |
Journal total citations count | 848 |
Journal Impact Factor | 3.09 |
Journal 5 years Impact Factor | 2.57 |
Journal CiteScore | 2.43 |
Journal h-index | 13 |
Journal h-index since 2017 | 10 |
Bhat, Bilqeesa, and Bijender Kumar Bajaj. "Probiotic Intervention for Human Health and Disease." A Handbook on High Value Fermentation Products, Volume 2: Human Welfare (2019): 185. |
Anitha, S. S., and P. P. Raj. "Prevalence of Maternal Obesity and Nutritional Status among Pregnant Women in UK." J Food Sci Res 2.1 (2017): 105. |
Moreirinha, Catarina, et al. "MIR spectroscopy as alternative method for further confirmation of foodborne pathogens Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes." Journal of food science and technology 55.10 (2018): 3971-3978. |
de Souza, Vanessa Rodrigues, et al. "Comparison between Listeria monocytogenes single and multipathogen detection methods." |
Souza, Vanessa Rodrigues de, et al. "Comparação entre os métodos de detecção de Listeria monocytogenes simples e multipatógenos." (2017). |
Gummadi, Prashanthi. "Role of Antioxidants on Cancer and Neurodegenerative Disorders." Journal of Medical & Health Science 5.3 (2016): 1-6. |
Jacobowski, Ana Cristina, et al. "Neuroprotective Effects of Acrocomia aculeata Pulp Oil Microcapsules on Rats Subjected to Chronic Stress." Journal of Medicinal Food (2021). |
Anitha, S. S., and P. P. Raj. "Prevalence of Maternal Obesity and Nutritional Status among Pregnant Women in UK." J Food Sci Res 2.1 (2017): 105. |
Gummadi, Prashanthi. "A Natural Way to Resist Sleep Disorders." |
Aliss, Eman M., et al. "Physical activity pattern and its relationship with overweight and obesity in saudi children." International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 7.4 (2020): 181-185. |
Alissa, Eman M., et al. "Association of diet diversity score with visceral adiposity in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome." Human Nutrition & Metabolism 23 (2021): 200116. |
Anitha, S. S., and P. P. Raj. "Prevalence of Maternal Obesity and Nutritional Status among Pregnant Women in UK." J Food Sci Res 2.1 (2017): 105. |
Brown, Teresa, et al. "Tube feeding during treatment for head and neck cancerâAdherence and patient reported barriers." Oral oncology 72 (2017): 140-149. |
de Oliveira Faria, Sheilla, et al. "Adherence to intensive nutrition care in head and neck cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy." European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (2021): 1-8. |
Faria, Sheilla de Oliveira. Efeito do atendimento nutricional intensivo em pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço submetidos à radioterapia. Diss. Universidade de São Paulo. |
Faria, Sheilla de Oliveira. Efeito do atendimento nutricional intensivo em pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço submetidos à radioterapia. Diss. Universidade de São Paulo. |
Peddinti, Spandana. "Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutics and Nanotechnology." |
Tyagi, A., and S. Tyagi. "Biosorption of Lead by Beauveria bassiana." Microbiol Int J 2.2 (2017): 112. |
Tyagi, A., and S. Tyagi. "Biosorption of Lead by Azadirachta indica." Microbiol Int J 2.2 (2017): 114. |
Srividya, B. "Research and Reviews: Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicological Studies." |
Pasalic Boris, et al. "Effects of salinity on color changes, sugar and acid concentration in tomato fruit." Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 81.3 (2016): 137-142. |
Mukesi, Munyaradzi, et al. "The activity of commercial antimicrobials, and essential oils and ethanolic extracts of Olea europaea on Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from pregnant women." BMC complementary and alternative medicine 19.1 (2019): 1-9. |
Ben Abdeljelil, Zied, et al. "Changes in volatiles of olive tree Olea europaea according to season and foliar fertilization." (2017): 1633-1639. |
Limam, Inès, et al. "Olea europaea L. cv. Chetoui leaf and stem hydromethanolic extracts suppress proliferation and promote apoptosis via caspase signaling on human multiple myeloma cells." European Journal of Integrative Medicine 37 (2020): 101145. |
Vural, Nilüfer, and Mehmet Abdulkadir AKAY. "Chemical compounds, antioxidant properties and antimicrobial activity of olive leaves derived volatile oil in West Anatolia." Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry 8.2: 511-518. |
Ibrahim, Ola S. "Utilization of sorghum, broken rice and white beans flours for producing high nutritional value and high quality gluten-free biscuits." Current Science International 6 (2017): 670-683. |
Mohammed, Amera T., Dalia M. Elsheikh, and Maha M. Tawfik. "Utilization of broken rice, corn and sweet lupin flour for preparation high nutritional value and quality gluten-free basbousa." Current Science International 7 (2018): 578-589. |
Alfauomy, Ghada A., and Saad A. Mahgoub. "Utilization of Yellow Corn in Preparing High Nutritional Value Gluten-Free Noodles." Suez Canal University Journal of Food Sciences 7.1 (2020): 55-65. |
MILK, DIFFERENCE RATIO OF COCONUT. "Karakteristik Biskuit Non Terigu Non Susu Berbahan Tepung Komposit (Tepung Beras, Tapioka, Maizena, Kecambah Kacang Tunggak) Dengan Perbedaan Proporsi Santan: Minyak Kelapa." |
Huriyati, Emy, B. Josephine Istiti Kandarina, and Farah Faza. "Association of Eating Pattern and Nutritional Status with Dyslipidemia Among Adults in Yogyakarta-Indonesia." KnE Life Sciences (2019): 86-96. |
Huriyati, Emy, BJ Istiti Kandarina, and Farah Faza. Peranan Gizi dalam Upaya Pencegahan Penyakit Tidak Menular. UGM PRESS, 2019. |
Putri, Aylinda Wahyuni, and Ratu Ayu Dewi Sartika. "Risk Factors for Obesity in Patients with Hypertension." EXECUTIVE EDITOR 11.01 (2020): 982. |
Cases, Mallory G., Andrew D. Frugé, and Michael Daniel. "Head and neck cancer adherence to dietary recommendations using theory-based tools: future research directions." Journal of food & nutritional disorders 4.5 (2015). |
Faria, Sheilla de Oliveira. Efeito do atendimento nutricional intensivo em pacientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço submetidos à radioterapia. Diss. Universidade de São Paulo. |
Profile, Career. "Faculty Details proforma for DU Web-site." Education (2004): 5. |
Profile, Career. "Faculty Details proforma for DU Web-site." Teaching and Research 23 (2009): 28th. |
Last, Shailendra. "Faculty Details proforma for DU Web-site." (2014). |
Kumar, V., M. Kalpana Devi, and S. Lal Shrivastava. "Color change kinetics of vacuum-assisted microwave dried green bell pepper." Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 21.3 (2019): 601-614. |
Kumar, V., M. Kalpana Devi, and S. Lal Shrivastava. "Color change kinetics of vacuum-assisted microwave dried green bell pepper." Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology 21.3 (2019): 601-614. |
Andayani, Bertvi Mayda Putri. "Hubungan overweight dan stres dengan kejadian hipertensi pada usia 30-50 tahun." SKRIPSI-2016 (2019). |
Kumoro, Andri Cahyo, et al. "Nutritional and functional properties changes during facultative submerged fermentation of gadung (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) tuber flour using Lactobacillus plantarum." Heliyon 6.3 (2020): e03631. |
Abdelmaged, Hinda AB, et al. "Technological properties of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from various Sudanese fermented foods." (2015). |
Kumoro, Andri Cahyo, Marissa Widiyanti, and Diah Susetyo Retnowati Ratnawati. "MICROBIAL MODIFICATON OF GADUNG (Dioscorea Hispida Dennst) TUBER FLOUR THROUGH FACULTATIVE SUB-MERGED FERMENTATION USING Lactobacillus Plantarum." INTEGRATED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES FOR HUMAN WELFARE (2017): 53. |
Ronco, A. L., et al. "Hot infusions and risk of colorectal cancer in Uruguay: a caseâcontrol study." European journal of clinical nutrition 71.12 (2017): 1429-1436. |
Gummadi, Prashanthi. "Role of Antioxidants on Cancer and Neurodegenerative Disorders." Journal of Medical & Health Science 5.3 (2016): 1-6. |
Goodman, B. A., et al. "Engineering the composition of coffee to potentially improve its health benefits." J Nutr Diet 1 (2018): 1-9. |
Trouwborst, Inez, et al. "Ectopic fat accumulation in distinct insulin resistant phenotypes; targets for personalized nutritional interventions." Frontiers in nutrition 5 (2018): 77. |
Afandi, Frendy Ahmad. "Correlation between High Carbohydrate Foods with Glycemic Index." JURNAL PANGAN 28.2 (2019): 145-160. |
Prasad, A. S. V. "Molecular Basis of Pathogenesis of Ectopic Fat Deposition in DM2âAn Overview." International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review (2019): 1-10. |
Afandi, F. A., et al. "Hubungan antara Kandungan Karbohidrat dan Indeks Glikemik pada Pangan Tinggi Karbohidrat Relationship between Carbohydrate Content and the Glycemic Index in High-Carbohydrate Foods." |
Anitha, S. S., and P. P. Raj. "Prevalence of Maternal Obesity and Nutritional Status among Pregnant Women in UK." J Food Sci Res 2.1 (2017): 105. |
Martin, Maria E., et al. "Minor compounds from virgin olive oil attenuate LPS?induced inflammation via visfatin?related gene modulation on primary human monocytes." Journal of food biochemistry 43.8 (2019): e12941. |
Anitha, Seetha, et al. "Millets can have a major impact on improving iron status, hemoglobin level, and in reducing iron deficiency anemiaâa systematic review and meta-analysis." Frontiers in Nutrition (2021): 712. |
Cherrad, Hayet, et al. "Olive cake reduces glycaemia and lipemia and increases antioxidant enzymes in STZ-induced diabetes in rat erythrocytes and tissues." Nutrition & Food Science (2019). |
Zidan, Yahiaoui, et al. "The protective effect of olive cake treatment on oxidant/antioxidant biomarkers, on serum, red blood cells and liver, in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats fed cholesterol-enriched diet." Nutrition & Food Science (2019). |
BOUDERBALA, Sherazede. "Les grignons dâolive atténuent la peroxydation lipidique et augmentent lâactivité antioxydante au niveau tissulaire, chez des rats soumis à un régime enrichi en cholestérol et diabétiques par la streptozotocine." Nutrition & Santé 8.2 (2020): 72-79. |
Bonglaisin, J. N., et al. "Effects of Geophagy on Hemoglobin Level and Iodine Absorption/Assimilation in Albino Rats." J Nutr Disorders Ther 7.211 (2017): 2161-0509. |
Rashed, Tamer G., and Mohamed Galal. "Culture and Health: A study in Medical Anthropology of Kenya." Annual International Conference of the Institute of African Research and Studies âHuman Security in Africaâ, Institute of African Research and Studies, Cairo University, Egypt. 2015. |
Rashed, Tamer G., and Mohamed Galal. "Culture and Health: A study in Medical Anthropology of Kenya." Annual International Conference of the Institute of African Research and Studies âHuman Security in Africaâ, Institute of African Research and Studies, Cairo University, Egypt. 2015. |
Sandram, Milcah. An assessment on the potential accumulation of toxic trace elements in termite mounds near a nickel mining area in Bindura District, Zimbabwe. Diss. BUSE, 2018. |
Suárez-GarcÃa, Susana, et al. "Chronic Effect of a Cafeteria Diet and Intensity of Resistance Training on the Circulating Lysophospholipidome in Young Rats." Metabolites 11.8 (2021): 471. |
Nashar, Milka, Yoana D. Kiselova-Kaneva, and Diana G. Ivanova. "Antidiabetic Potential of Plants Used in Bulgarian Folk Medicine and Traditional Diet." Nutrition in Health and Disease-Our Challenges Now and Forthcoming Time (2019). |
Nashar, Milka, Yoana D. Kiselova-Kaneva, and Diana G. Ivanova. "Antidiabetic Potential of Plants Used in Bulgarian Folk Medicine and Traditional Diet." Nutrition in Health and Disease-Our Challenges Now and Forthcoming Time (2019). |
Lehto, Elviira. "The associations between schoolchildrenâs fruit and vegetable intake and psychosocial factors: shaped by gender, socioeconomic background and an intervention." (2016). |
Ismail, Mariam R., Jamie A. Seabrook, and Jason A. Gilliland. "Outcome evaluation of fruit and vegetables distribution interventions in schools: A systematic review and meta-analysis." Public Health Nutrition (2021): 1-34. |
Lehto, Elviira. "The associations between schoolchildrenâs fruit and vegetable intake and psychosocial factors: shaped by gender, socioeconomic background and an intervention." (2016). |
Ismail, Mariam R., Jamie A. Seabrook, and Jason A. Gilliland. "Outcome evaluation of fruit and vegetables distribution interventions in schools: A systematic review and meta-analysis." Public Health Nutrition (2021): 1-34. |
Hamzehlou, Pegah, et al. "Production of vitamins B3, B6 and B9 by lactobacillus isolated from traditional yogurt samples from 3 cities in Iran, winter 2016." Applied Food Biotechnology 5.2 (2018): 107-120. |
Mendoza-Llerenas, Edgar Omar, et al. "Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 ?-fructosidase: evidence for an open funnel-like channel through the catalytic domain with importance for the substrate selectivity." Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 180.6 (2016): 1056-1075. |
Gupta, Charu, and Dhan Prakash. "Microbes as a Source for the Production of Food Ingredients." Microbial Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals 123 (2017). |
El Dakhakhny, Eman, Nassra Dabour, and Kheadr Ehab. "Low-Phosphate Processed Cheese Diminishes Diclofenac-Induced Hepato-Renal Injury in Male Rats." Alexandria Journal of Food Science and Technology 18.1 (2021): 1-50. |
Arena, Mattia Pia, et al. "10. Industrial microorganisms: tolerance to antibiotics and application of antimicrobial agents." Microbial Applications. De Gruyter, 2016. 213-236. |
Sharma, Pushpendra, et al. "Co-production of gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) and lactic acid using Lactobacillus plantarum LP-9 from agro-residues." Environmental Technology & Innovation (2021): 101650. |
Khalil, Noha, Nassra Dabour, and Ehab Kheadr. "Food Bio-Preservation: An Overview with Particular Attention to Lactobacillus plantarum." Alexandria Journal of Food Science and Technology 18.1 (2021): 33-50. |
Halima, B. A., Z. D. Alkali, and N. A. Shafiu. "LACTIC ACID BACTERIA: A REVIEW." |
Viscardi, Sharon, et al. "From farm to fork: it could be the case of Lactic Acid Bacteria in the stimulation of folates biofortification in food crops." Current Opinion in Food Science (2020). |
Anand, N. "Relationship between Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes." Biochem Mol Biol Lett 3.2 (2017): 127. |
Ath Thoifi, Abdurahman. Effect Of Different LevelLactobacillus Plantarum On PhysicochemicalProperties Of FermentedGoat Dendeng. Diss. Universitas Brawijaya, 2018. |
SYMBIOTIC, EFFECT OF DRAUGHT STRESS ON, and RELATIONSHIP IN LEGUMINOUS PLANT. "University Research Resource Journal Jayoti Vidyapeeth Womenâs University, Jaipur." (2018). |
Wan, Murphy LY, and Hani El-Nezami. "Targeting gut microbiota in hepatocellular carcinoma: probiotics as a novel therapy." Hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition 7.1 (2018): 11. |
Mir, Mudasir Bashir. Process development of functional yogurt and microencapsulation of limonene utilizing almond gum exudate. Diss. Department of Food Science and Technology, Pondicherry University., 2018. |
Tanner, Sabine A., et al. "Effect of Bifidobacterium thermophilum RBL67 and fructo-oligosaccharides on the gut microbiota in Göttingen minipigs." British Journal of Nutrition 114.5 (2015): 746-755. |
Anand, Neha. "Diet, Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease." heart disease 40: 46. |
Anand, N. "Relationship between Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes." Biochem Mol Biol Lett 3.2 (2017): 127. |
Prajapati, Jashbhai B. "PROBIOTICS-AN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE." International Journal of Probiotics & Prebiotics 10.1 (2015). |
Bahgaat, Wafaa K., and Salem Abd El Ghani. "Research Article Comparison of Amino Acids and Fatty Acids Profiles of Egyptian Kishk: Dried Wheat Based Fermented Milk Mixture as Functional Food." (2017). |
RANI, BINITA. "digestibilities of Starch and Protein of Pearl Millet Based Food Mixture." Journal of AgriSearch 3.4 (2016): 223-225. |
Ganguly, Sangita, Latha Sabikhi, and Ashish Kumar Singh. "Evaluation of nutritional attributes of whey-cereal based probiotic beverage." LWT 152 (2021): 112292. |
Ganguly, Sangita, Latha Sabikhi, and Ashish Kumar Singh. "Cereal-based Fermented Foods for Enhanced Nutritional Attributes and Better Gut Health." International Journal of Fermented Foods 10.1 (2021): 1-12. |
Sharma, Ruchi, et al. "Barley-based probiotic food mixture: health effects and future prospects." Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2021): 1-15. |
Anand, Neha. "Diet, Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease." heart disease 40: 46. |
Anand, N. "Relationship between Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes." Biochem Mol Biol Lett 3.2 (2017): 127. |
Anand, Neha. "Diet, Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease." heart disease 40: 46. |
Turan, Nasip Ãmran, et al. "Insight into effects of Axillarin and Verbascoside isolated from Tanacetum alyssifolium and Plantago euphratica on probiotic properties of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus." Biotech Studies 29.1 (2020): 47-54. |
Anand, Neha. "Diet, Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease." heart disease 40: 46. |
Abdullah, Muhammad Haroon, et al. "Climate change, risk and food security: an analysis of wheat crop in Pakistan." Climate Change Challenge (3C) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building. Springer, Cham, 2016. 41-63. |
Ahmad, Dilshad, Muhammad Irfan Chani, and Asad Afzal Humayon. "Major crops forecasting area, production and yield evidence from agriculture sector of Pakistan." Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 33.3 (2017): 385-396. |