Journal of Food and Nutritional DisordersISSN: 2324-9323

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Journal total citations count 848
Journal Impact Factor 3.09
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Journal CiteScore 2.43
Journal h-index 13
Journal h-index since 2017 10
Rahaman, Muhammad Mizanur, and M. Kamruzzaman Shehab. "Water consumption, land use and production patterns of rice, wheat and potato in South Asia during 1988–2012." Sustainable Water Resources Management 5.4 (2019): 1677-1694.
Ramadan, Mohamed Fawzy. "Underutilized plant species and agricultural sustainability in Egypt." Sustainability of Agricultural Environment in Egypt: Part I. Springer, Cham, 2017. 189-212.
Farrukh, Muhammad Umar, et al. "Mapping the food security studies in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: Review of research priorities and gaps." Global Food Security 26 (2020): 100370.
Amir, Sarah, et al. "Determinants of farmers’ adaptation to climate change in rain-fed agriculture of Pakistan." Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13.19 (2020): 1-19.
Ashraf, Muhammad N., et al. "Investigation of Input and Output Energy for Wheat Production: A Comprehensive Study for Tehsil Mailsi (Pakistan)." Sustainability 12.17 (2020): 6884.
Zulfiqar, Farhad, and Muhammad Ashfaq. "Estimation of Wheat Yield Response under Different Agro-Climatic Conditions in Punjab." Sarhad journal of agriculture 30.4 (2014).
Khattak, Gul Sanat Shah, Iqbal Saeed, and Muhammad Ibrar. "42. New high yielding and disease resistant mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] variety “NIFA Mung-19”." Pure and Applied Biology (PAB) 8.2 (2019): 1444-1455.
Aslam, Faheem, Aneel Salman, and Inayatullah Jan. "Predicting Wheat Production in Pakistan by using an Artificial Neural Network Approach." Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 35.4 (2019): 1054-1062.
Peddinti, Spandana. "Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutics and Nanotechnology."
Mazhar, Saman, et al. "Who is more Food Secure among Rural, Peri-urban and Urban Households in Punjab, Pakistan?."
Ahmad, Shakeel, et al. "Climate change trend analysis on selected food crops at central Khyber Pakhtunkhwa of Pakistan."
Sher, Ali, et al. "Who is more Food Secure among Rural, Peri-urban and Urban Households in Pakistan? Results from a field survey in Punjab province." (2018).
Hassan, Najam Ul, et al. "A Decision Support Benchmark for Forecasting the Consumption of Agriculture Stocks." IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine (2021).
SAEED, UMER. Yield Forecasting of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for different Irrigation and Nitrogen Levels Using Simulations and Satellite Imagery. Diss. UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE FAISALABAD, 2017.
Subhan, Fazle, Muhammad Irfaq Khan, and Syed Tariq Shah. "New high yielding and disease tolerant wheat (Triticum aestivum L) variety NIFA AMAN-2017 for irrigated areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Pure and Applied Biology. Vol. 11, Issue 2, pp523-530." (2021).
Yonar, Aynur, et al. "Modeling and forecasting of wheat of South Asian region countries and role in food security." Advances in Computational Intelligence 1.6 (2021): 1-8.
Boukria, Oumayma, et al. "The Effect of Mixing Milk of Different Species on Chemical, Physicochemical, and Sensory Features of Cheeses: A Review." Foods 9.9 (2020): 1309.
Faccia, Michele, et al. "Milk products from minor dairy species: A review." Animals 10.8 (2020): 1260.
Mohammed, Sabah AA, and E. M. Ibtisam. "Effect of Indirect and Direct Boiling on the Physico-chemical Properties of Camel Milk." Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production 7.2 (2018).
Balogun, M. A., et al. "Chemical composition and sensory properties of soy-tiger nut cheese." Ceylon Journal of Science 48.4 (2019): 353-358.
Balogun, M. A., et al. "Chemical composition and sensory properties of soy-tiger nut cheese." Ceylon Journal of Science 48.4 (2019): 353-358.
Badmos, Abdulhameed Abiodun, et al. "Effect of Parkia biglobosa husk extracts and honey blend on the chemical, sensory and bacterial attributes of traditional West African soft cheese." Hrvatski ?asopis za prehrambenu tehnologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam 13.1-2 (2018): 19-23.
Omar, Adel. Effects of industrial processing methods on skimmed camel milk properties. Diss. University of Reading, 2018.
Assia, Nasr IAM, and Hamid Omer IA. "Effect of milk source on sensory characteristics of white soft cheese during storage." (2018).
Summer, Andrea. "Milk Products from Minor Dairy Species: A Review."
Alemneh, Yosef, Shimelis Admassu, and Kidist Fikre. "Production of Pre Ripened Provolone Cheese and Quality Characterization Using Blends of Whole Milk." (2020).Cheese is a product made from the curd obtained from milk by coagulating the casein with the help of rennet in the presence of lactic acid produced by added starter culture. The study was aimed to evaluate the yield and quality of pre ripened provolone cheese prepared from different blends of cow, doe, ewe and camel whole milk. The sources of milk were from Hawassa town, Langano and Kofele areas of Oromiya region. Pre ripened provolone cheeses were made from blends contained ratio between 60-80%, 10-30%, 10-30% and 0-20% for cow, doe, ewe and camel milk, respectively using standard procedure. The whole milk and its pre ripened provolone cheeses were subjected to physicochemical analyses. The physicochemical analyses, selected minerals, bioactive compounds, microbial quality and consumer acceptability of the pre ripened provolone cheese were analyzed. The blending proportion of different milk had significant (P
Leriche, Françoise, and Abderrahmane Aït-Kaddour. "The Effect of Mixing Milk of Different Species on Chemical, Physicochemical, and Sensory Features of Cheeses: A Review."
Yousif, Salma Mahgoub Siddig. Production and quality Assessment of White Cheese Produced Using Camel Milk and a Mixture of Camel Milk and Cow Milk. Diss. University of Gezira, 2015.
Peddinti, Spandana. "Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutics and Nanotechnology."
AL-Hussainy, K. S. J., and N. K. Z. AL-Fadhly. "Comparison between protein and amino acids of mushroom Agarieus bispours with some kinds of meat and meat’s products." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 388. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2019.
Hoveida, Laleh, et al. "Species diversity and molecular analysis of Staphylococcus in confectioneries of a developing country, Iran." Infez Med 26.2 (2018): 148-54.
Ferreira, Andreza Angélica, et al. "Identificação fenotípica e genotípica de cepas de estafilococos oriundas de uma unidade de abate de aves." Multi-Science Journal (ISSN 2359-6902) 1.2 (2015): 50-58.
Ãetin, Hasan, and Yasin Tuncer. "COAGULASE-NEGATIVE ISOLATED FROM SUJUK." 41.3 (2016): 163-170.
Bertelloni, Fabrizio, and Filippo Fratini. "Virginia Valentina Ebani, Alessia Galiero, Barbara Turchi & Domenico Cerri."
Yusufe, Mawardii, Ali Mohammed, and Neela Satheesh. "Effect of duration and drying temperature on characteristics of dried tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) cochoro variety." Acta Universitatis Cinbinesis, Series E: Food Technology 21.1 (2017).
Peddinti, Spandana. "Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutics and Nanotechnology."
Azhari, A. M. N., et al. "Changes in chemical composition and total energy as affected by fermentation and/or cooking of pearl millet flour supplemented with Moringa or fenugreek seeds flour." International Food Research Journal 24.4 (2017): 1562.
Peddinti, Spandana. "Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutics and Nanotechnology."
Peddinti, Spandana. "Research & Reviews: Journal of Pharmaceutics and Nanotechnology."
Alves, Thais O., Carolina TS D'Almeida, and Mariana SL Ferreira. "Determination of Gluten Peptides Associated with Celiac Disease by Mass Spectrometry." Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (2017): 43-58.
Rysová, Jana, Eva Mašková, and Zuzana Šmídová. "The gluten content in oat products available on the Czech market." Czech Journal of Food Sciences 37.5 (2019): 345-350.
Vilar, Jessy Hellen de Brito, and Priscila Farage de Gouveia. "Avaliação do nível de conhecimento sobre doença celíaca e glúten em funcionários de restaurantes “gluten-free” do Distrito Federal." (2018).
Alves, Thais de Oliveira. Determinação de peptídeos e proteínas associados à doença celíaca e alergias em farinhas de trigo por UPLC-MSE. MS thesis. 2018.
Ifediba, Donald I., and Eucharia C. Nwafor. "Nutritional and sensory evaluation of African breadfruit-corn yoghurt." African Journal of Food Science 12.4 (2018): 73-79.
Dahlan, Hadi Akbar, Norrakiah ABDULLAH SANI, and Ismail DAHLAN. "Logistic-like Growth Model of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus in Palm Oil Santan." Japan Journal of Food Engineering 18.3 (2017): 155-159.
Ifediba, D. I., and C. N. Ozoh. "Effects of Storage on Physicochemical Properties and Microbiological Qualities of African Breadfruit-Corn Yoghurt." European Scientific Journal 14.6 (2018): 172-191.
Rafika, Muhana, and Gemala Anjani. Karakteristik Fisik dan Organoleptik Yoghurt Susu Jagung Dengan Penambahan Besi dan Vitamin A. Diss. Universitas Diponegoro, 2016.
Adeoye Bolade, K., F. Ani Ime, and A. Adeyeye Joshua. "Quality Evaluation of Soycorn Yoghurt Fermented with Starter Culture and Corn Steep Water." International Journal of Sciences 8.03 (2019): 60-67.
Leonard, Simanjuntak Pendi, et al. "Quality improvement of yogurt through the addition of corn and tomato juice." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 205. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2018.
Al Falah, Sarah Amelia Nur Wahidah, and Shinta Maharani. "Perkembangan Yoghurt Susu Kedelai." Journal of Food and Culinary 3.2 (2020).
Hombali, Aditi S., et al. "Fortification of staple foods with vitamin A for vitamin A deficiency." Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 5 (2019).
Saeterdal, Ingvil, Jose O. Mora, and Luz Maria DeRegil. "Fortification of staple foods with vitamin A for preventing vitamin A deficiency." Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 9 (2012).
Agriopoulou, Sofia, et al. "Topic review Lactic Acid Bacteria and Postharvest Storage of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Subjects: Microbiology."
Sudheer, K. P., S. Saranya, and K. B. Sankalpa. "Process protocol standardisation and shelf life study of minimally processed fresh cut tender jackfruit." (2019).
KASIM, Mehmet Ufuk, and Rezzan KASIM. "Taze kesilmi? baklada yüksek dozda sitrik asit uygulamalar?n?n polifenol enzim aktivitesi ve kalite üzerine etkisi." KSÜ Do?a Bilimleri Dergisi 19.3 (2016): 339-347.
Agriopoulou, Sofia, et al. "Lactic acid bacteria as antibacterial agents to extend the shelf life of fresh and minimally processed fruits and vegetables: Quality and safety aspects." Microorganisms 8.6 (2020): 952.
Agriopoulou, Sofia, et al. "Topic review Lactic Acid Bacteria Subjects: Microbiology View times: 477."
Agriopoulou, Sofia, et al. "Topic review Lactic Acid Bacteria Subjects: Microbiology."
Csajbók, Róbertné. Frissen vágott, csomagolt zöldségfélék tárolhatóságának, és a közétkeztetésben betöltött szerepének vizsgálata. Diss. 2016.
Alway, Stephen E., et al. "Green tea extract attenuates muscle loss and improves muscle function during disuse, but fails to improve muscle recovery following unloading in aged rats." Journal of Applied Physiology 118.3 (2015): 319-330.
Gras, Sílvia, et al. "Beneficial effects of dietary supplementation with green tea catechins and cocoa flavanols on aging-related regressive changes in the mouse neuromuscular system." Aging (Albany NY) 13.14 (2021): 18051.
Anzman Frasca, Stephanie, et al. "Changes in children's meal orders following healthy menu modifications at a regional US restaurant chain." Obesity 23.5 (2015): 1055-1062.
Bickel, Warren K., Lara Moody, and Stephen T. Higgins. "Some current dimensions of the behavioral economics of health-related behavior change." Preventive medicine 92 (2016): 16-23.Bickel, Warren K., Lara Moody, and Stephen T. Higgins. "Some current dimensions of the behavioral economics of health-related behavior change." Preventive medicine 92 (2016): 16-23.
Anzman-Frasca, Stephanie, et al. "Healthier children's meals in restaurants: an exploratory study to inform approaches that are acceptable across stakeholders." Journal of nutrition education and behavior 49.4 (2017): 285-295.
van Kleef, Ellen, et al. "The effect of a default-based nudge on the choice of whole wheat bread." Appetite 121 (2018): 179-185.
Loeb, Katharine L., et al. "The application of defaults to optimize parents' health-based choices for children." Appetite 113 (2017): 368-375.
Aaby, Peter, et al. "Is early measles vaccination better than later measles vaccination?." Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 109.1 (2015): 16-28.
Mueller, Megan P., et al. "Behavioral correlates of empirically-derived dietary patterns among university students." Nutrients 10.6 (2018): 716.
Howse, Elly, et al. "‘The university should promote health, but not enforce it’: opinions and attitudes about the regulation of sugar-sweetened beverages in a university setting." BMC Public Health 18.1 (2018): 1-10.
Cauchi, Daniel, Harry Rutter, and Cecile Knai. "An obesogenic island in the Mediterranean: mapping potential drivers of obesity in Malta." Public health nutrition 18.17 (2015): 3211-3223.
Loeb, Katharine L., et al. "The application of optimal defaults to improve elementary school lunch selections: proof of concept." Journal of School Health 88.4 (2018): 265-271.
Woodward-Lopez, Gail, et al. "Changes in nutrition policies and dietary intake in child care homes participating in healthy eating and active living initiative." American journal of preventive medicine 54.5 (2018): S170-S177.
Loeb, Katharine L., et al. "Family-based treatment for child and adolescent overweight and obesity: A transdevelopmental approach." Family Therapy for Adolescent Eating and Weight Disorders. Routledge, 2015. 197-249.
Robinson, Carly D., et al. "Some middle school students want behavior commitment devices (but take-up does not affect their behavior)." Frontiers in psychology 9 (2018): 206.
Lesser, Lenard I., et al. "Evaluating the healthiness of chain-restaurant menu items using crowdsourcing: a new method." Public health nutrition 20.1 (2017): 18-24.
Kao, Janice, et al. "Improvements in physical activity opportunities: results from a community-based family child care intervention." American journal of preventive medicine 54.5 (2018): S178-S185.
Karlsen, Micaela C., and Kathryn J. Pollard. "Strategies for practitioners to support patients in plant-based eating." Journal of geriatric cardiology: JGC 14.5 (2017): 338.
Karlsen, Micaela C., George S. Ellmore, and Nicola McKeown. "Seeds—Health benefits, barriers to incorporation, and strategies for practitioners in supporting consumption among consumers." Nutrition Today 51.1 (2016): 50-59.
Radnitz, Cynthia, et al. "Effect of default menus on food selection and consumption in a college dining hall simulation study." Public health nutrition 21.7 (2018): 1359-1369.
Mueller, Megan P., et al. "Orders of healthier adult menu items in a full-service restaurant Chain with a healthier children’s menu." Nutrients 12.11 (2020): 3253.
Dalrymple, Jessica C., et al. "Optimal defaults as a strategy to improve selections from children's menus in full-service theme park dining." Appetite 152 (2020): 104697.
DiMatteo, Julie, et al. "The Application of Optimal Defaults to Physical Education Courses in College Students: A Simulation Study." Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 38.4 (2019): 393-397.
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Motelson, Cassandra C. Optimal Defaults as a Strategy to Improve Children's Menu Selections in a Full-Service Restaurant. Diss. Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2020.
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Kamugisha, Jolly GK, et al. "Weight and mid-upper arm circumference gain velocities during treatment of young children with severe acute malnutrition, a prospective study in Uganda." BMC nutrition 7.1 (2021): 1-13.
Kamugisha, Jolly GK, et al. "Weight-for-Height Z-score Gain during Inpatient Treatment and Subsequent Linear Growth during Outpatient Treatment of Young Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition: A Prospective Study from Uganda." Current developments in nutrition 5.10 (2021): nzab118.
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