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Ogucha EB, Riungu GK, Kiama FK, Mukolwe E (2015) The influence of homestay facilities on tourist satisfaction in the Lake Victoria Kenya Tourism Circuit. Journal of Ecotourism 14: 278-287.

Mannan, M., Chowdhury, N., Sarker, P., & Amir, R. (2019). Modeling customer satisfaction and revisit intention in Bangladeshi dining restaurants. Journal of Modelling in Management.
Githiri, M. N. (2016). Influence of physical environment on customer satisfaction and return intention in Kenyan rated restaurants. Asian Journal of Social Science Studies, 2(1), 11.
Çetinsöz, B. C. (2019). Influence of physical environment on customer satisfaction and loyalty in upscale restaurants. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 7(2), 700-716.
Ali, M., Puah, C. H., Ayob, N., & Raza, S. A. (2019). Factors influencing tourist’s satisfaction, loyalty and word of mouth in selection of local foods in Pakistan. British Food Journal.
Çetinsöz, B. C. (2019). Influence of physical environment on customer satisfaction and loyalty in upscale restaurants. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 7(2), 700-716.
Marder, B., Erz, A., Angell, R., & Plangger, K. (2021). The role of photograph aesthetics on online review sites: Effects of management-versus traveler-generated photos on tourists’ decision making. Journal of Travel Research, 60(1), 31-46.
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Ceseña, M. A. M. (2019). Factores de la satisfacción del cliente: perspectivas en restaurantes de comida rápida. Sinapsis, 11(1), 70-87.
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Horng, J. S., & Hsu, H. (2020). A holistic aesthetic experience model: Creating a harmonious dining environment to increase customers' perceived pleasure. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, 520-534.
Abdien, M. K. (2019). An assessment of dinescape and customers’ behavioural intentions in fast food restaurants. Journal of tourism research, 23, 57-69.
Albrecht, J. N., Danielmeier, T., & Boudreau, P. (2019). The Importance of Architecture in Food and Drink Experiences Within a Tourism Context. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, 4(1), 41-50.
Hendriyani, I. G. A. D. (2018). The Importance of Physical Environment for Guest at Restaurants in Bali. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 6(3), 130-141.
Kurniawan, D. A. A., Karenila, K., & Jokom, R. (2017). Analisa Pengaruh Lingkungan Fisik Terhadap Niat Berperilaku Melalui Emosi Konsumen Di Domicile Kitchen & Lounge Surabaya. Jurnal Hospitality dan Manajemen Jasa, 5(1), 111-123.
Yang, M., & Luo, S. (2021). Effects of Rural Restaurants’ Outdoor Dining Environment Dimensions on Customers’ Satisfaction: A Consumer Perspective. Foods, 10(9), 2172.
Illo, N. P. (2021). Authentic dining experiences of ethnic Asian cuisine restaurant customers in Camarines Sur. International Journal of Research, 9(1), 19-31.
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Yasami, M., Wongwattanakit, C., & Promphitak, K. T. (2020). INTERNATIONAL TOURISTS’PROTECTION INTENTIONS TO USE FOOD HYGIENE CUES IN THE CHOICE OF DESTINATION LOCAL RESTAURANTS. GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites, 29 (2), 583–596.
Arowosafe, F. C., Tunde-Ajayi, O., & Babagbale, O. O. Nigerian Journal of Wildlife Management.
Bakar, S. Z. A., & Hoong, C. C. (2021, July). Factors Influencing Service Quality in Restaurant Business: A Case of SME Bank Cafeteria. In Business Innovation and Engineering Conference 2020 (BIEC 2020) (pp. 41-45). Atlantis Press.
Pires, G. D., & Stanton, J. (2018). Product, Price, Place, Physical Evidence and Process. In Ethnic Marketing (pp. 236-258). Routledge.
Soleimani, S., Eghdami, M., Akbari, M., & Ebrahimpour, M. (2021). Exploring The Effect Of Atmospherics On Place Attachment In A Theme Restaurant Using PLS Path Modelling. Danish University Colleges, 82.
Ahmadi, R. R. S. (2018). Spatial factors influencing users' satisfaction in restaurants (Master's thesis).
Rabbow, E. H. (2021). Investigating the satisfaction of Cairo casual-dining restaurants architectural atmospherics and its influences on the users’ behavioral intentions: On-site survey. Ain Shams Engineering Journal.
Quarin, P., & Nam, K. S. (2020). A study of Users’ Emotional Preference on Spatial Characteristics-focused on Western-Style Pubs. ????????? ???, 15(2).
Korucuo?lu, T. (2021). The effects of atmospherics on the visitation motives of users in casual dining restaurants (Doctoral dissertation, Bilkent University).
Yip, J., & Mbouw, E. T. (2018). The Effect of a Restaurant’s Physical Environment on Customer Repurchase Behaviour: A Case Study of An Upscale Restaurant. ICONIET PROCEEDING, 2(4), 243-252.
Mahmoodi, E., Salari, S. Z., Khalilipour, H., & Hosseini Sarteshnizi, M. (2021). The impact of Physical Environment on Perceptions of Price, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (Case Study: Ahvaz City Restaurants). Consumer Behavior Studies Journal, 8(1), 59-84.
Arowosafe, F. C., Kuuder, C. J. W., & Bokyaa, D. T. (2020). UNDERSTANDING VISITOR PREFERENCES IN OLD OYO NATIONAL PARK, NIGERIA. UDS International Journal of Development, 7(2), 424-436.
Bondikian, S. (2019). Branded environments: perception of a restaurant design for customers in Lebanon (Doctoral dissertation, Notre Dame University-Louaize).
Ukabi, E., & Gurdalli, H. (2021). Comparative Study on Restaurants' Furniture: Ginkgo and Niazi's Restaurants in Famagusta, Cyprus.
Quarin, P., & Kyoung-sook, N. (2019). Analysis of Spatial Characteristics of Pubs according to the Users’ Emotional Preference. ????????? ???????, 21(3), 360-363.
Ko?ar, E. (2021). Come sit with us: effect of recreational zones’ interior design on seafarers’ well-being in fishing vessels (Doctoral dissertation, Bilkent University).
Marder, B., Erz, A., Angell, R., & Plangger, K. The Role of Photograph Aesthetics on Online Review Sites.
Alsanusi, S. S. (2019). Effect of various plan types on acoustical characteristics of restaurants (Master's thesis).
PATRICK, O. (2017). influence of value delivery on enterprise growth: a case of food retail outlets in cbd, kisumu county, kenya (Doctoral dissertation, MOI UNIVERSITY).
IBITOMI, T. Effects of Price Fairness and Physical Environment on Customers Patronage in Fast Food Outlets in Nasarawa State, Nigeria.
Wismoyo, E. A., & Utami, R. S. (2020). HUBUNGAN DIMENSI MEJA MAKAN TERHADAP TERITORI PERSONAL PADA RESTORAN DENGAN PENGATURAN MAKAN A LA CARTE. LINTAS RUANG: Jurnal Pengetahuan dan Perancangan Desain Interior, 8(1), 43-56.
Rodríguez López, M. E. (2020). La formación del capital de marca en turismo gastronómico. El papel moderador del tipo de restaurante, del grado de indulgencia y de la aversión al riesgo del cliente.
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Mahmoudi, Idris, Salari, Seyedeh Zahra, Khalilipour, Hatem, & Hosseini Sartshnizi. (2021). The effect of physical environment on perception of price, customer satisfaction and loyalty (Case study: restaurants in Ahvaz). Consumer Behavior Studies, 8 (1), 59-84.
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Youngsik Kim, & Hanbit Kim. (2018). The effect of physical environment perception of an entertainment restaurant on emotional response and loyalty: Focusing on the case of Hanbit FnB. Culinary Science & Hospitality Research, 24(10), 29-37.
White, A., & Roberts, A. A MODEL OF THE DRIVERS FOR HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT CURRICULUM IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. Rachel Mason-Jones rkmason-jones@ cardiffmet. ac. uk, 30.
Phu, S. P., Hoang, M. G., & Fujiwara, T. (2018). Analyzing solid waste management practices for the hotel industry. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage, 4(1), 19-30.
Chaabane, W., Nassour, A., & Nelles, M. (2018). Solid waste management key indicator development for hotels: A Tunisian case study analysis. Recycling, 3(4), 56.
Ufua, D. E., Olokundun, A. M., Ogbari, M. E., & Atolagbe, T. M. (2019). Achieving zero waste operation in a private organisation through extended stakeholders consultation: A case in the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), 10(2), 155-168.
Mensah, I. (2020). Waste management practices of small hotels in Accra: An application of the waste management hierarchy model. Journal of Global Business Insights, 5(1), 33-46.
Oluwole, E. A., Attahiru, H., Oyediran, O. B., Omotugba, S. K., Meduna, P. N., & Kolawole, G. T. (2020). Assessment of Waste Management System among Hotels and Guest Houses in Minna. Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism, 11(7), 1609-1616.
Farah, J., Ghaddar, R., Nasr, E., Nasr, R., Wehbe, H., & Verdeil, É. (2019). Solid Waste Management in Lebanon: Lessons for Decentralisation.
Salama, W., & Abdelsalam, E. (2020). Biogas Production by Anaerobic Fermentation of Hotel Food Wastes. Egyptian Journal of Botany, 60(3), 611-619.
Salama, W., & Abdelsalam, E. (2021). Impact of Hotel Guests’ Trends to Recycle Food Waste to Obtain Bioenergy. Sustainability, 13(6), 3094.
Elnasr, A. E. A., Aliane, N., & Agina, M. F. (2021). Tackling Food Waste in All-Inclusive Resort Hotels in Egypt. Processes, 9(11), 2056.
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Farah, J., & Verdeil, É. (2021). Instruments et territoires de la gouvernance des déchets au Liban. Géocarrefour-Revue de géographie de Lyon, 95(1).
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Avdia, B., & Dhimitri, J. (2021). THE NORTHEASTERN PART OF ALBANIA AS PART OF DARK TOURISM OFFER. https://sites. google. com/unite. edu. mk/jnsm/home, 6(11-12), 79-88.
Murias Sayrach, M., & Serra Martinez, M. D. M. (2018). Dark tourism in Barcelona. Feasibility and proposals for routes and visits within the cementeries of the city.
Kleshcheva, A. (2021). Perception of Dark Tourism. Zeitschrift für Tourismuswissenschaft, 13(2), 191-208.
Hassan, N. H. B., & Soliman, H. Destinations Branding: Exploration of the Potential Aspects of ‘Dark Tourism’in Egypt.
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Kazalac, P. (2020). Crni turizam i percepcija posjeta (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pula. Faculty of economics and tourism" Dr. Mijo Mirkovi?".).
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Kazalac, P. (2020). Crni turizam i percepcija posjeta (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pula. Faculty of economics and tourism" Dr. Mijo Mirkovi?".).
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