Journal of Tourism Research & HospitalityISSN: 2324-8807

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Commentary, J Tourism Res Vol: 12 Issue: 4

Enhancing Destination Viability through Strategic Tourism Management

Feng Shen*

1Department of Tourism Management, Guilin Tourism University, Guangxi, China

*Corresponding Author: Feng Shen,
Department of Tourism Management, Guilin Tourism University, Guangxi, China

Received date: 24 July, 2023, Manuscript No. JTRH-23-114399;

Editor assigned date: 27 July, 2023, PreQC No. JTRH-23-114399 (PQ);

Reviewed date: 10 August, 2023, QC No. JTRH-23-114399;

Revised date: 17 August, 2023, Manuscript No. JTRH-23-114399 (R);

Published date: 24 August, 2023, DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.10001043

Citation: Shen F (2023) Enhancing Destination Viability through Strategic Tourism Management. J Tourism Res Hospitality 12:4.


Tourism plays a pivotal role in the global economy, with destinations around the world competing to attract travellers seeking unique experiences. To thrive in this highly competitive industry, destinations must employ strategic tourism management to enhance their viability. Strategic tourism management involves the systematic planning, development, and coordination of a destination's tourism activities to achieve specific goals. It is a proactive approach that encompasses various aspects, including marketing, infrastructure development, sustainability, and community engagement. When executed effectively, strategic tourism management can significantly enhance a destination's attractiveness and sustainability.

Identifying and segmenting target markets are essential. By understanding the preferences and needs of different traveller groups, destinations can tailor their deals to cater to specific demographics, such as adventure seekers, cultural enthusiasts, or eco-conscious travellers. Sustainable tourism is no longer a trend but a necessity. Destination managers must prioritize responsible practices, including eco-friendly accommodations, conservation efforts, and waste reduction initiatives, to protect the environment and meet the expectations of modern travellers.

Developing and maintaining robust infrastructure is vital for visitor satisfaction. This includes transportation networks, accommodations, recreational facilities, and information centers. Well-maintained infrastructure contributes to a positive visitor experience and encourages return visits. Effective marketing campaigns are essential to attract tourists. Destinations must leverage digital marketing, social media, and partnerships with travel agencies to reach a wider audience. Narrative and branding efforts can develop a distinct identity that sets a destination apart.

Over-reliance on a single attraction can be risky. Destinations should diversify their contributions to ensure a steady flow of visitors year-round. This may include festivals, cultural events, sports tournaments, and culinary experiences. Strategic tourism management doesn't just benefit tourists; it also has a profound impact on local communities. Tourism generates employment opportunities in various sectors, from hospitality and transportation to handicrafts and food services. This not only reduces unemployment but also bolsters local economies. By promoting local cultures and traditions, tourism can help safeguard cultural heritage. Communities often take pride in their traditions when they see tourists appreciating and respecting them.

Tourism can help redistribute income within a destination. Revenue generated by tourism activities can support local businesses and infrastructure, benefiting communities directly. Engaging with local communities can enrich the tourist experience. Cultural exchanges, homestays, and guided tours led by locals provide unique insights into the destination's way of life.

Economic growth and sustainability

Strategic tourism management is not solely about short-term gains; it also focuses on long-term sustainability. Sustainable tourism practices mitigate the environmental footprint of tourism activities, ensuring that natural resources are preserved for future generations. Tourism dollars that stay within a destination can contribute to economic stability. This revenue can fund infrastructure improvements, conservation initiatives, and community development projects.

Sustainable destinations often gain a positive reputation, attracting eco-conscious travelers who are willing to pay a premium for responsible experiences. While strategic tourism management provides numerous benefits, it also comes with challenges. Balancing economic growth with environmental and cultural preservation is a delicate task. Overtourism, infrastructure strain, and the need for responsible tourism practices are pressing issues that destination managers must address.


Enhancing destination viability through strategic tourism management is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful planning and collaboration among stakeholders. When executed effectively, it can transform a destination into a sustainable, economically vibrant, and culturally rich place that continues to attract travellers for generations to come. By prioritizing sustainable development, diversification, and community engagement, destinations can thrive in the competitive world of tourism while preserving their unique identities and natural resources. Strategic tourism management is not just about attracting visitors; it's about developing a lasting legacy that benefits both tourists and the communities they visit.

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