Journal of Tourism Research & HospitalityISSN: 2324-8807

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Research Article, J Tourism Res Vol: 12 Issue: 4

Examining the Gendered Consequences of Tourism Development on the Tibetan Community in Himachal Pradesh: A Comprehensive Analysis of Economic, Social and Cultural Impacts

Dr. Anil Kumar1*, Amit Gangotia2, Jyoti Bhardwaj3

1Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Central University of Haryana, Haryana, India

2Department of Tourism & Travel Management, Central University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India

3Department of Tourism & Travel Management, Govt. Degree College, Himachal Pradesh, India

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Anil Kumar,
Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Central University of Haryana, Haryana, India

Received date: 25 August, 2023, Manuscript No. JTRH-23-111230;

Editor assigned date: 28 August, 2023, PreQC No. JTRH-23-111230 (PQ);

Reviewed date: 11 September, 2023, QC No. JTRH-23-111230;

Revised date: 18 September, 2023, Manuscript No. JTRH-23-111230 (R);

Published date: 25 September, 2023 DOI: 10.4172/2324-9110.10001035

Citation: Kumar A, Gangotia A, Bhardwaj J (2023) Examining the Gendered Consequences of Tourism Development on the Tibetan Community in Himachal Pradesh: A Comprehensive Analysis of Economic, Social and Cultural Impacts. J Tourism Res Hospitality 12:4.


his study aims to investigate and analyze the perceptions of the Tibetan community residing in four prominent districts of Himachal Pradesh, namely Kangra, Kullu, Mandi, and Shimla,
regarding the socio-cultural and economic impacts of tourism development. Data was collected from residents of these districts who belong to the Tibetan community, and analyzed
using descriptive statistics. To understand the perceptions of males and females separately, the Mann Whitney U test of independence was employed. The findings indicated that there
were no significant differences in the perceptions of males and females regarding the social, cultural, economic, and socio- cultural challenges posed by tourism. Both genders perceived
tourism to have a positive impact on the economy and somewhat positive impact on socio-cultural issues and challenges related to the Tibetan community, while the impact of tourism on the culture of the community was perceived as neutral.


This study aims to investigate and analyze the perceptions of the Tibetan community residing in four prominent districts of Himachal Pradesh, namely Kangra, Kullu, Mandi, and Shimla, regarding the socio-cultural and economic impacts of tourism development. Data was collected from residents of these districts who belong to the Tibetan community, and analyzed using descriptive statistics. To understand the perceptions of males and females separately, the Mann Whitney U test of independence was employed. The findings indicated that there were no significant differences in the perceptions of males and females regarding the social, cultural, economic, and sociocultural challenges posed by tourism. Both genders perceived tourism to have a positive impact on the economy and somewhat positive impact on socio-cultural issues and challenges related to the Tibetan community, while the impact of tourism on the culture of the community was perceived as neutral.


Community; Culture, Perception; Economic; Tibetan


Buddhism is considered as one of the most spiritually enriching religion of the world as it is believed that the phrase Budham Sharnam Gachhami leads towards the most enlightened one. The religion itself has attracted masses over the years and the Tibetan community is closest to the spiritual and religious Buddhist leader, His Holiness Dalai Lama. His presence in Dharamshala has attracted worldwide tourists towards Himachal Pradesh and by default it has affected the Tibetan community which is under the shelter of His Holiness. Present study analyzes the impact of spiritual tourism or pilgrimage in four districts of Himachal Pradesh on the Tibetan community staying in these districts.

The perceptions of the people were collected through a reliable and validated opinionnaire to understand the demographic profile of the people of the community, to evaluate their participation in tourism activities, to assess socio-cultural and Economic impact of tourism, and to shortlist issues and challenges faced by them. Many such studies have been done in this regard and quite a few have been listed below. Tourism development has emerged as a significant driver of economic growth in many developing countries, including India [1]. The state of Himachal Pradesh in India has witnessed a significant influx of tourists, drawn by its scenic beauty, spiritual significance, and the presence of His Holiness Dalai Lama, the spiritual and religious leader of the Tibetan community in Dharamshala. The Tibetan community, a marginalized group with a unique cultural identity, has been impacted by tourism development in the region. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the gendered consequences of tourism development on the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh, as gender inequality remains one of the biggest challenges in the tourism industry [2]. By examining the economic, social, and cultural impacts of tourism development on the Tibetan community from a gender perspective, this comprehensive analysis aims to contribute to the understanding of how tourism development can be made more gender-sensitive and inclusive.

Tourism development has become a major driver of economic growth in many developing countries, including India. However, the impacts of tourism development on local communities, particularly on marginalized groups such as women and ethnic minorities, have been the subject of much debate in the literature. The Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh is one such marginalized group that has been impacted by tourism development. This community has a unique cultural identity and has faced political and social marginalization in India. Therefore, it is important to understand the gendered impacts of tourism development on the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh. According to the UN World Tourism Organization, gender inequality is one of the biggest challenges facing the tourism industry, and gender-sensitive policies and interventions are necessary to ensure that the benefits of tourism development are shared equitably among all members of the local community [3]. However, little research has been done to examine the gendered impacts of tourism development on the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh. Therefore, this review of literature aims to explore the economic, social, and cultural impacts of tourism development on the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh from a gender perspective. By analyzing the literature on this topic, we hope to provide insights into how tourism development can be made more gender-sensitive and inclusive.

Research objectives

Following were the major research objectives of the present study:

1. To understand the Perceived Socio-Cultural Impact (PSCI) of tourism on the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh on the basis of gender.

2. To understand the Perceived Economic Impact (PEI) of tourism on the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh on the basis of gender.

3. To identify the Perceived Challenges and Issues (PCI) related to tourism activities posed to the Socio-economic Structure (SES) of Tibetan community due to tourism development in the study area on the basis of gender.

Review of the Related Literature

Several studies have been conducted to investigate the impacts of tourism development on marginalized groups, including the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh. These studies have primarily focused on understanding the economic, social, and cultural impacts of tourism development from a gender perspective.

Economic impacts: Tourism development has been found to have both positive and negative economic impacts on the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh. On the positive side, tourism has contributed to the growth of the local economy through increased employment opportunities, income generation, and business opportunities [4].Tourism has also led to the development of infrastructure, such as hotels, restaurants, and transportation facilities, which has boosted the local economy [4]. However, these economic benefits are not equally distributed among all members of the Tibetan community, and gender disparities persist. Women in the Tibetan community often face challenges in accessing employment opportunities in the tourism sector due to cultural norms and societal expectations [5]. They are often relegated to low-paid jobs in the informal sector, such as handicrafts and small-scale retail, which offer limited economic benefits. Studies have shown that tourism development has brought economic benefits to the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh. For instance, a study by Ahmed et al., found that tourism development had increased income and employment opportunities for local communities in Himachal Pradesh, including the Tibetan community [5]. However, the study also highlighted the gendered nature of these economic impacts, with women often occupying low-paying jobs in the tourism industry. Similarly, a study by Das et al., found that women's economic activities, such as selling handicrafts, were often not recognized or supported by tourism development initiatives, resulting in further economic marginalization of women [6].

Social impacts: The social impacts of tourism development on the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh have been studied in terms of changes in community dynamics, cultural values, and social interactions. Tourism has resulted in increased interaction between the local community and tourists, leading to cultural exchange and enrichment. However, this has also led to the commodification and commercialization of Tibetan culture, as the community has been compelled to adapt its cultural practices to cater to the demands of tourists. This has raised concerns about the erosion of traditional cultural values and practices among the Tibetan community.

Gender roles and relationships within the Tibetan community have also been affected by tourism development. Women in the Tibetan community, who traditionally held important roles in household and community decision-making, have seen their roles shift due to changing economic opportunities and exposure to outside influences. This has led to changes in gender dynamics, with women facing both opportunities and challenges in navigating new social roles and expectations.

Cultural impacts: Tourism development has also had significant cultural impacts on the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh. A study by Chakraborty et al., found that the commodification of culture for tourists had led to the commercialization of women's traditional handicrafts and cultural practices, resulting in the loss of cultural significance and authenticity [7]. The study also highlighted the erasure of women's cultural contributions, as women were often not recognized as cultural custodians.

Andriotis has collected data from 194 households in order to understand the impacts of tourism as perceived by four urban communities as well as attitudes of associated residents toward tourism development [8]. Allen et al., through their study conducted in 20 rural communities, have tried to determine whether or not the perception of the residents of community regarding life satisfaction vary with the levels of tourism development in their community [9]. Lankford and Howard developed an attitude measurement scale to inquire about resident attitudes toward tourism development [10]. Spanou has studied impact of tourism development on the sociocultural structure of Cyprus [11,12]. Siriporn and Youngsoo have done a comparative analysis of Thailand Residents' perceptions towards tourism development [13,14]. Jurowski et al., have assessed tourism in the light of social exchange theory and how tourism development and its impact affects the community [15]. Ross (1992) has also discussed the perceptions of residents regarding the impact of tourism on the Australian city, Cairns [16]. Woo et al., have studied community residents of four tourist destinations in the United States and concluded that people from host community, who are actively engaged in tourism are lead a more satisfied life [17,18]. This indicates positive impact of tourism development on residents’ lives. Kalvet et al., suggest the usage of innovation-based tools and data sources for tourism management as per the feedback obtained from 15 European cultural tourism regions [19-21]. Marin has emphasized the need to move on in the direction of economic impact of tourism from mere income and job perspectives and suggests include more dimensions henceforth [22,23]. Gonzalez et al., have probed the residents of Spanish heritage town and inquired about the social exchange theory [24,25]. Sanagustin-Fons et al., have explored the social perception of rural tourism impact as a case study in the Cinco Villas region (Aragon, Spain) [26,27].

In the same direction, the data for the present study has been collected from four districts of Himachal Pradesh from the Tibetan community staying in these districts and which fall under the purview of tourism impact in these places [28,29]. In conclusion, the literature on the gendered consequences of tourism development on the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh highlights both positive and negative impacts. While tourism has contributed to the economic growth of the region, it has also resulted in gender disparities in employment opportunities. Socially, tourism has led to changes in community dynamics, cultural values, and gender roles. Culturally, there are concerns about the commodification and commercialization of Tibetan culture. Therefore, it is imperative to adopt gender-sensitive and inclusive policies and interventions to ensure that the benefits of tourism development are shared equitably among all members of the Tibetan community.


Sampling method

In order to probe and collect data from the Tibetan Community residing in Himachal Pradesh, four districts namely Kangra, Kullu, Mandi and Shimla were selected through purposive sampling and the strata was selected based on people staying nearby Monasteries, Religious Places and Historical sites and involved in activities related to Culture Tourism and Handicraft centers, festivals and various events.

Sample size

A sample of 120 respondents, uniformly collected from each district contributed to the present study, making the sample for the study comprise of 480 respondents in total.

Tools for data collection

A Likert-Scale based opinionnaire was prepared after extensive literature review for the present study. The opinionnaire comprised of

1. Positive (19) and negative (13) items related to the economic impact of tourism development.

2. Items (21) related to the cultural impact of tourism development (here only one negative item was involved).

3. Positive (19) and negative (15) items related to socio-cultural challenges faced as a result of tourism development in the target area.

The data thus collected through the opinionnaire was analyzed and results are presented with discussion and scope for further research.

Data Analysis and Results

The data collected during the study was analyzed using Rstudio which is a freely available open-source software for data analysis. The descriptive data analysis and normality tests were conducted on the data of 480 respondents. The distribution of data was found to be not normally distributed after applying Shapiro-Wilk test for normality. After that the study proceeded to compare the perceptions of males and females regarding economic, cultural and socio-cultural impacts due to tourism development in the target districts. Hence 160 male and 160 female respondents’ data was compared for achieving the objective of comparison. The results hence obtained are shown in Table 1.

Test of Comparison Between Males and Females: Mann Whitney U Test P-values obtained
Result For Economic Impact No difference in the opinion of Males and Females Data: Economic by group; W=413.5, p-value=0.1842
Result For Cultural Impact No difference in the opinion of Males and Females Data: Cultural by group; W=168, p-value=0.1886
Result For Cultural Impact No difference in the opinion of Males and Females Data: Socio-Cultural by group; W=559, p-value=0.8197

Table 1: Results of Mann Whitney U Test applied on the Data collected from Males and Females of Tibetan Community in the Target Districts of Himachal Pradesh.

A detailed and descriptive table showing the opinions of males and females is given below. It is to be noted that for positive statements the codes were given as: Strongly Agree:5, Agree:4, Neither Agree Nor Disagree:3, Disagree:2, Strongly Disagree:1 And the coding got reversed for negative statements (Table 2).

  Economic Impact
  Female Male Inference
Positive 3.5 3.5 Agreement towards positive economic Impact of Tourism
Negative 2.4 2.4 Agreement towards positive economic Impact of Tourism
  Socio-Cultural Issues
  Female Male Inference
Positive 3.5 3.5 Agreement towards positive Socio-Cultural Issues arising due to Tourism
Negative 2.7 2.8 Neutral Stand towards Socio-Cultural Issues arising due to Tourism
  Cultural Impact
  Female Male Inference
Positive 3 3.2 Neutral Stand regarding cultural impact of tourism
Negative 2.5 2.5 Neutral Stand regarding cultural impact of tourism

Table 2: Inference of the Data collected from Males and Females of Tibetan Community in the Target Districts of Himachal Pradesh.


The tables given above shows that following perceptions are upheld by the males and females of the Tibetan community straying in the target districts of Himachal Pradesh. There is a positive economic impact due to tourism (both according to the positive and negative statements). While the positive statements regarding socio-cultural issues indicated positive impact, negative statements revealed a neutral stand of both males and females. The positive as well as negative statements led towards a neutral stand on cultural impact of tourism.

Hence, tourism in totality is making a positive economic impact and somewhat positive influence regarding socio-cultural issues and challenges in the Tibetan community at the four target districts of Himachal Pradesh. However, its cultural impact is not that distinguished and thus negative and positive perceptions both are prevalent amongst the males and females of the Tibetan Community. Tourism development in the Tibetan community in Himachal Pradesh has had significant economic, social, and cultural impacts on the community, which have been experienced differently by men and women. Analyzing these impacts from a gender perspective highlights the nuances of the gendered experiences of tourism development and can inform policies that address gender-based inequalities in the tourism industry.


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