Journal of Food and Nutritional DisordersISSN: 2324-9323

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Annual Meeting Abstract, J Food Nutr Disor Vol: 9 Issue: 5

Milk or Medicine?


The increase trusts in therapeutic is an exceptional phenomenon which is expanding on daily basis. Between the preventive role and the actual management of diseases there are many grey zones in which milk can be a real ally against various illnesses. If you get sick what would you choose as a remedy? Milk or medicine? In many fields milk has earned its role as a sole player in management of human diseases. From dermatology to neurology there is a long journey full of choices where patents are increasingly choosing milk over medicine.  Doctors may shortly give their patients the luxury of choosing between milk and pharmaceutical preparations to achieve their therapeutic goals. In other words, therapeutic nutrition with milk as its unique gem is becoming a real trophy that patients will soon compete.

Keywords: Milk, Medicine

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