Journal of Food and Nutritional DisordersISSN: 2324-9323

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Short Communication, J Food Nutri Disor Vol: 9 Issue: 3

Why We Should Ban All Toxic Agricultural Practices of Using NPK Fertilizers?

Ron Tan*

PRC Global Pte. Ltd., Singapore

*Corresponding Author : Ron Tan
PRC Global Pte. Ltd, Tanglin Road, #11-05, Tanglin Shopping Centre, Singapore

Received: June 22, 2020 Accepted: July 17, 2020 Published: July 27, 2020

Citation: Tan R (2020) Why We Should Ban All Toxic Agricultural Practices of Using NPK Fertilizers? J Food Nutr Disor 9:3. DOI: 10.37532/jfnd.2020.9(3) .279


Why We Should Ban All Toxic Agricultural Practices of Using NPK Fertilizers?


PRC Global Pte. Ltd Singapore, is a signatory to FAO GSP partnership and have initiated pilot projects in Northern Nigeria to grow crops like rice, cassava, sorghum, and banana and sesame seed without the use of toxic chemical fertilizer named NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potassium). Ammonia Nitrate is a component for bomb fabrication, and a huge carbon and polluted industries at various mining sites all over the World. The other 2 compositions of NPK fertilizers like phosphates and potassium are just as toxic and polluted to land, and water system. Civilization and history have proven that crops agriculture for human consumptions do not need toxic NPK fertilizers that are toxic and contaminating to water system, soil, health of human and animals.

Keywords: Food products; Rice; Cassava; Emission; Climate change; Global warming; Soil; Water; Contamination; Agriculture; Food; Fertilizer; Algae; Eutrophication

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