The London Breast Institute

The London Breast Institute at The Princess Grace Hospital sets new standards of delivery for breast care in the independent sector. This involves demonstrable and audited excellence of the three essential components required - medical staffing, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, and research activity.

Since being the first breast unit in the UK to install and use Full Digital Mammography, The Princess Grace Hospital has maintained its leading position in the equipment field and is regularly visited by other UK centres. Several members of the Institute staff have major National and International profiles and collaborative research programmes.

Platinum levels of required standards have been set for eligibility of staff to work in the unit as well as volume levels of unit throughout to maintain skill and expertise.

With such unparalleled levels of staff and equipment, the Institute has fulfilled its logical potential to contribute to the future of breast care by carrying out properly conducted and meaningful research in both basic science and clinical research areas of breast cancer. The Institute’s mission of the Research Programme is to pursue research bridging basic and clinical aspects of carcinogenesis, progression, prognosis, prevention, and treatment of breast cancer. Our research programme initiates new research and aims to translate the findings of basic science into new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventative advances. The LBI is the first centre to conduct cancer research in the UK independent heath sector.

Editors [1]

The following is the list of scholars from The London Breast Institute who currently serve as editors for one or more SciTechnol journals.

Authors [1]

The following is the list of scholars from The London Breast Institute who published one or more articles in SciTechnol journals.

Publications [111]

The following is the list of articles by scholars from The London Breast Institute that are published in SciTechnol journals.