University of Palermo

The University of Palermo (UNIPA) is a consolidated cultural, scientific and teaching presence in central-western Sicily. Its 5 Schools and 20 Departments cover the most important domains of contemporary scientific and technological knowledge.

About 122 courses (first and second cycle) are yearly offered as well as 44 master and specialization and 23 PhD courses, targeted to the training of specific professional figures, often in cooperation with external institutions and companies - a galaxy which attracted 11,085 first-year students in 2013/2014 academic year. The University General Hospital is a local health corporation that works in synergy with the Faculty of Medicine. It provides beds, day-hospital beds, and a first-aid service. UNIPA is also present in Agrigento, Caltanissetta e Trapani. There is a closed link between UNIPA and the labor market: 3rd students of 1st cycle degree courses and 2nd year students of the 2nd cycle experience practice periods within public or private companies and agencies.

Editors [3]

The following is the list of scholars from University of Palermo who currently serve as editors for one or more SciTechnol journals.

Authors [2]

The following is the list of scholars from University of Palermo who published one or more articles in SciTechnol journals.

Reviewers [3]

The following is the list of scholars from University of Palermo who published one or more articles in SciTechnol journals.

Publications [108]

The following is the list of articles by scholars from University of Palermo that are published in SciTechnol journals.