ELSAYED AHMED ELNASHAR, Full-Professor of textiles Apparel, Kaferelsheikh University, Egypt. Born in 19 /8/1965. Have Ph.D. 2000, Msc.1995, Bsc.1989, Helwan University. Diploma1985advanced industrial textiles institute. He holds several academic administrative positions: Dean, Vice Dean, Head of Department, He has many textiles patents, Member of international scientific committees. Development of Faculties of Education, commissioned of Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities. Has design books published in Germany and Ukraine. Has published over 190 scientific Articles. Editorial board member & Reviewer for more 105 journals, organizer for more than 85 conference and workshop over the world, Founder and editor two scientific journals. And Smartex Conference Egypt. Member of the editorial board of several international journals and conferences, He has made many scientific agreements with European &Africa universities.
Research Interest
General Research Area: Antimicrobial Throw Volume Porosity, Membrane Technology for Filtrations, Functional Nano biodegradable.