Shakibaie Mr

Editorial Board Member

Associate Professor of Microbiology, Kerman University of Medical Sciences

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Department / University Information


Dr. Shakibaie MR earned his PhD from University of Pune India from 1992 to 1997. His thesis was molecular genetics of Plasmid Mediated Silver and Antibiotic Resistances in Acinetobacter baumannii”. He completed one year Postdoctoral research training at Aquatic Microbial Lab in Mysore, India during 2006. His research title was Horizontal Gene Transfer in Gram Negative Bacteria. Dr. Shakibaie Joined the Department of Microbiology, Kerman University of Medical Sciences in 1998. He has published more than 45 original research papers in different International peer reviewed journals with high impact factors in microbiology and biotechnology. The total impact factor of his research is more than 68, with h-index 11 and i10-index 13. His work is cited more than 296 times ( The research gate score index is 21.85. His work also has been cited in 3 textbooks of microbiology published from USA and Europe. He has presented more than 42 papers in International and National Conferences. He has made fundamental contributions in the area of gene transfer, plasmid biology, molecular microbiology, Nano microbiology. He is on the editorial board of number of peer reviewed journals in Iran and abroad. He has successfully supervised 2 Ph.D., and 1 Post-Doctoral scholars for their research. Currently 2 Ph.D. students are working with him.

Research Interest

The focal points of the research in our lab are plasmid mediated antibiotic and metal resistance, Biofilm formation and its genes in hospital isolates of Acinetobacter. Quorum sensing and signal transduction in Acinetobacter and also enhancing bioremediation of heavy metals using genetic engineering organisms, cloning some genes responsible for biofilm formation and also we are using genetic engineered bacteria for decreasing the CO2 emission. All these steps are subject to elaborate control by numerous regulatory proteins and small effectors. We are working on biogenic nanometals for disruption of biofilm and introducing potent nano- drugs. Our goal is to achieve synthesis of a nano-drug with potent antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity and less toxicity. The important factor for my research group also is cost. The nanotechnology allows us to develop a cost effective drugFormation from Platonic Cellsespecially for poor countries in Africa. My students are working in the molecular design of nano- drug and delivery system by bioinformatics. Recently we studied possibility of existence of antibiotic resistant islands (ARI) in bacterial chromosome like Pathogenicity Island and the genes in these islands can transfer effectively by integrons transposons or by plasmids to other bacterial strains. My team for the first time submitted three genes and integrons class 1 to GenBank NCBI and found new variant IMP-55 metallo-β-lactamase. Similarly for the first time we suggested that iron limitation control the expression of quorum sensing genes in A. baumannii.