Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science

The Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science (SYNL) was officially founded in October 2000. The SYNL is operated by the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology and Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The SYNL’s long-term goal is to become a world-class materials research laboratory, conducting fundamental and applied research of materials in various aspects including synthesis and processing, characterization, modeling, properties and performance of materials. It currently consists of eleven research divisions, including Non-equilibrium Metallic Materials Division, High-performance Ceramics Division, Advanced Carbons Division, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Division, Environment Functional Materials Division, Solid Atomic Imaging Division, Materials Fatigue and Fracture Division, Engineering Alloys Division, Materials Process Modeling Division, Catalysis and Materials Division and Functional Films and Interfaces Division, as well as one Technical Service Division. In addition, three centers have been established in the SYNL including, Research Center for Materials Development Strategy, Materials Basic Data Center and Materials Failure Analysis Center.There are 195 employees and about 473 graduate students and visiting scientists working in the SYNL.

With the development over the past twelve years under a constant support from the MOST of China and CAS, the SYNL has grown up to a high-level materials research lab featured by excellent talents, significant accomplishments, state-of-the-art facilities, and international standards of management and operation. Most research projects are aiming at either the frontiers of materials science or the national needs. A solid foundation has been formed to serve for national needs on advanced materials and technologies, and to create new knowledge in materials science as well.

Editors [1]

The following is the list of scholars from Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science who currently serve as editors for one or more SciTechnol journals.

Publications [134]

The following is the list of articles by scholars from Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science that are published in SciTechnol journals.