Sayed K Goda

Editorial Board Member

Department of Biochemistry/Genetic Engineering
Southampton University, UK

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Department / University Information


Professor Sayed K Goda has received his PhD in Southampton University, UK, during the period of 1981-1985. Currently, he is working as the Director of the Department of Research and Training at Shafallah Medical Genetics Centre (SMGC), Qatar and Professor of Biochemistry and Genetic Engineering with over twenty five years research experience in recombinant DNA technology in the UK. After two post doctoral follow positions at Southampton University, UK he joined the Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research (CAMR), Porton Down, Salisbury, UK in 1989 as a Senior Scientist, Deputy Head and then a Team Leader in the Molecular Biology division. During his employment (1989-2001) at CAMR, Porton Down, UK he was involved or leading many of commercially and medically sensitive projects. These included cloning of many novel genes with commercial applications or modifying toxic genes for therapeutic use.

Research Interest

The current research activities for Professor Goda focus on recombinant DNA technology, protein engineering and protein-protein interactions.