Alexei Yakovlevich Belov,PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Mathematics
Moscow State University, Russia

Contact Alexei Yakovlevich Belov,PhD

Department / University Information


Belov Alexey Yacoblevich, was born June 9-th, 1963, in Moscow, USSR., in 1980 graduated from the special secondary school No 2, in 195 MPGU, Ph.D. 1991 in Geophysics, Moscow Institute of Solid Earth, Russian Academy of Science, Dr. of Sci. (highest Russian degree) in the Moscow State University (Algebras with polynomial identities: representa- tions and combinatorial methods). Honorable Federal professor of Mathematics (Russia). Professor at Bar-Ilan University.

Research Interest

Ring theory including Specht type problems and Shirshov Height theorem, Polynomial automorphisms, Jacobian conjecture and quantization, Geometric group and semigroup theory, Geometric ring theory, aperiodic tillings, combinatorics of words, symbolical dynamic, combinatorial geometry and its mechanical applications, mathematical education.