Vladimir Titorenko, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Biology
Concordia University, Canada

Contact Vladimir Titorenko, PhD

Department / University Information


Vladimir Titorenko did graduate work in the laboratory of Dr. Andrei Sibirny and received his Ph.D. degree in genetics from the Institute of Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms in Moscow, Russia. Following postdoctoral work with Dr. Marten Veenhuis in the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy at Groningen University in the Netherlands, he moved to the Department of Cell Biology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton where he was a research associate in the laboratory of Dr. Richard Rachubinski. Vladimir Titorenko is currently a full Professor and a University Research Chair in the Biology Department at Concordia University in Montreal.

Research Interest

Dr. Vladimir Titorenko work is focused on the molecular mechanisms of aging, cancer and peroxisome assembly.
