Sanda Renko, PhD. is a full professor in Trade Department, Faculty of Economics and Business at University of Zagreb, Croatia, where she is teaching and is a co-ordinator for courses: Wholesaling and retailing, Business logistics, Fashion retailing, Trade business, Trade services, Retailing management, Strategies of distribution, Category management, and Benchmarking. She was the mentor for more than 300 graduates, 40 postgraduate and 2 doctoral thesis. As a member of few editorial boards of the international scientific journals she was included in editing and reviewing many papers in the domain of her areas of interests such as trade, retail strategy, logistics, supply chain, services, fashion, benchmarking and sustainability. She is an author or co-author of more than 100 publications, including articles and conference papers published in Croatian and foreign periodicals. She has been the co-ordinator of international scientific projects: Focus-Balkans, FP7, and Evaluating Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the Point of Sale From the New Parents Perspective, as well as several scientific projects of the Croatian Ministry of education. As the editor or a guest editor she was involved in journals The British Food Journal, Journal of Food Products Marketing, World Journal of Retail Business Management, and books: Supply Chain Management – New Perspectives and Challenges for the trade of Central and Southeast Europe. For her scientific work she was awarded with the award 'Dr. Mijo Mirković'.
Research Interest
Areas of interests such as trade, retail strategy, logistics, supply chain, services, fashion, benchmarking and sustainability.