Prof. S. Magazù is full professor in Experimental Physics since 2002 at the Messina University (Italy). He is president of the Inter-University Consortium Applied Physics (CISFA) and of the International Consortium COSMO. He has been chairman of the Scientific College of "Liquids and Disordered Systems" of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF (Grenoble, France), member of the Scientific College of "Structure and Dynamics of Liquids and Glasses" facility of neutron scattering Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin (ILL, Grenoble, France), and member of National Executive Committee of the Italian Society Neutron Spectroscopy (SISN). The scientific activity is documented by over 300 publications in international journals. He has received national and international awards including the 2000 European Scientia Award conferred by the French Academy of Sciences for interdisciplinary merit.
Research Interest
The research topics addressed are manifold, and also different in some respects, emerges as a common leitmotif: the integrated use of experimental techniques of investigation, such as laser light scattering, infrared absorption, neutron scattering, etc. for the characterization of the space-time correlations of physical systems. Such an approach encompasses the analysis and monitoring of atmospheric, acoustic and electromagnetic pollution as well as the employment of Geographic Informative Systems for the analysis of georeferenced data and environmental risks (also in collaboration with ARPA Sicilia).