Sibel Alper, MD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Dermatology
Istanbul Bilim University, Turkey

Contact Sibel Alper, MD

Department / University Information


Dr. Sibel Alper has been a member of Ege University School of Medicine since 1986, when Dr. Alper first started her residency program in dermatology, She became a professor in the year 2000. Medical education and research have been an integral part of her academic life. During the years 2004-2010, while chairing the Department of Dermatology, she mostly focused on residency training programs and as a team they developed logbooks for every resident in the faculty, started a feedback system for residents, which is still continuing with success. Being a member of the strategic planning commission of Ege University School of Medicine, which programs the educational, financial needs of the faculty for the next five years, was a great contribution for her professional advancement. She have changed her position in 2012 as the chief of dermatology department in istanbul Bilim University Medical Faculty and she is also working as the director of dermatology department in Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital which is a private hospital dedicated to make department a center of excellence in the treatment of psoriasis and vitiligo. She has conducted phase II, III and IV studies in the last 15 years. She have been elected (January 2011) as a board member of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology and have been a board member of European Association of Dermato-oncology since 2010. She has organized two national dermatology congresses, two international and six national symposia. She is also the vice-president of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Congress which took place in Istanbul, September 2013, with approximately 9000 participants. She is the founding member of Turkish Dermato-oncology Society and still acting as the co-president since 2009. She served as the vice-president of The Turkish Society of Dermatology for two years and as a board member of Turkish Society of Dermatovenereology for five years. Dr. Alper is also the co-founder and board member of Turkish Psoriasis Society. She is also as a member contact dermatitis and psoriasis advisory boards of Turkish Dermatology Society.

Research Interest

Dr. Sibel Alper Research interest are: Dermato-allergy Dermato-immunology Dermato-oncology