Bozena B. Michniak-Kohn is Professor in Pharmaceutics and Director of the Center for Dermal Research (CDR) and the Laboratory for Drug Delivery (LDD) at the New Jersey Center for Biomaterials (NJCBM). Dr. Michniak-Kohn has a B.Sc. (Honors) in Pharmacy and a Ph.D. in Pharmacology from the DeMontfort University, U.K. r. Michniak-Kohn has directed over 28 Ph.D. students, 5 Masters students, and 250+ undergraduates and the work resulted in over 350 abstracts, 3 patents, two books, and more than 116 papers and book chapters.
Research Interest
Dr. Michniak-Kohn’s main research focus lies in the area of topical, transdermal and buccal drug delivery. Her group is involved in the design and testing of novel dermal penetration enhancer and retardant compounds, investigation of their mechanisms of action and transport through the skin layers, molecular and computational modeling of enhancers as well as optimization and testing of topical and transdermal formulations. Studies also involve novel carrier systems such as nanospheres and investigation of skin pathways with confocal microscopy and Raman /FTIR/terahertz spectrometry. Physical drug delivery enhancement techniques are studied such as iontophoresis and microneedles. Michniak-Kohn has developed novel organotypic full-thickness human skin models that show similar morphology, stratum corneum lipid composition and drug permeability to human skin. The group is also interested in buccal and mucosal drug delivery.