Dr. Khandicia Randolph obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Missouri (Columbia). Additionally, she holds a degree in Master of Public Administration with a Specialization in Public Policy, a Master of Arts in Law from Regent University’s School of Law, and a Doctor of Strategic Leadership degree from Regent University School of Business and Leadership.
Dr. Randolph is a leadership expert who presents domestically and internationally on effective communication and various aspects of leadership, organizational development, and effectiveness. She is a published author in academic journals and manuscripts, a contributing author in textbooks and other manuscripts, and a prolific speaker. Pursuing her passion for leadership development, organizational development, and effectiveness, Dr. Randolph yearns to help nonprofit organizations maximize their global impact. She is the owner of Finer Consulting Services, a leadership development and organizational development and effectiveness firm that helps individuals and organizations understand the holistic concept and process of leadership and helps organizations operate optimally.
Research Interest
Her research interest involves leadership, organizational with a particular interest in the implications of race and culture on leadership.