Suman is an Associate Database Administrator in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, USA. He works in several NIH-funded projects and the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS) examining associations between risk factors and cardiovascular outcomes.
Prior to joining at Vanderbilt in 2015, he obtained his DSc diploma in Epidemiology from Erasmus University in the Netherlands and MSc in Mathematics and Statistics from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in India. His research largely focuses on the investigation of risk prediction of complex diseases through modeling studies and evaluates the expected predictive ability of risk models using simulated data in order to justify whether empirical investigation is warranted. He is interested in advanced statistical modeling applied in health science, and methodological and analytical considerations in prediction research.
Research Interest
Suman research interests include investigating the impact of standard risk factors and biomarkers to various cardiovascular outcome measures and evaluating risk prediction models in order to prevention of the diseases and treatment of related risk factors.