Junji Xing, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Virology
Cornell University,USA

Contact Junji Xing, PhD

Department / University Information


Dr. Junji Xing received his Ph.D. at Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. During his Ph.D. studies, his research focuses on elucidating the molecular mechanism of host innate immune evasion by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), interactions between virus and host cells, subcellular transport mechanism of viral proteins in host cells. As a postdoc associate in University of Minnesota, he investigated the mechanisms of immune suppression and pathogenesis by Arenaviruses in human primary cells or guinea pig animal model. As a research associate in Houston Methodist Research Institute affiliated with Weill Cornell Medicine of Cornell University, his research is now involved in characterizing the roles of TRIM family protein in host innate immunity regulation

Research Interest

Innate immune response and virus infection; Virus-Host Interactions; Pathogenesis and immunities of virus infection; Subcellular transport mechanism of viral proteinsï¼› Vaccine and antiviral treatment.