Jiyeong Lee, PhD

Editorial Board Member

Department of Geoinformatics
University of Seoul, South Korea

Contact Jiyeong Lee, PhD

Department / University Information


Jiyeong Lee is Associate Professor of Geoinformatics at University of Seoul, South Korea and holds a Ph.D. in Geography from the Ohio State University, U.S.A. He has been Assistant Professor of Geography and Earth Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (2004-07) and Minnesota State University, U.S.A (2001-04). He received first prizes in the Association of American Geographers GIS Specialty Group Student Paper Competition as well as Young Scholar Award (2006) and the Integraph Student Award (2001) at the summer assembly of the University Consortium of Geographic Information Science (UCGIS). He is a co-chair of WG IV/8 Spatial Data Integration for Emergency Services, ISPRS, and is a vice-chair of IndoorGML Standard Working Group of OGC. Also, He was a co-organizer of the 3rd International Workshop on 3D Geo-Information.

Research Interest

His research and teaching interests focus on feature-based 3D GIS data models, Indoor/outdoor Space Seamless Data Models, Network-based Topological Data Models, Micro-spatial Data Models for Spatial Awareness, internal spatial structure of urban forms, and pedestrian accessibility in 3D urban space.