Dr. Yong-Gang Li is a Research Professor in Department of Earth Science, University of Southern California (USC) and Honorary Professor in Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Science. He was graduated from Fudan University in mid of 1960s and received his Ph.D. of Geophysics & Seismology at USC in 1987. Dr. Li is an earthquake specialist in Earth Sciences Research Faculty at USC and is also a Senior Scientist in Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC). Dr. Li has carried out multiple research projects. His pioneering research in discovery of fault-zone trapped (guided) waves and findings in characterizing spatiotemporal rock damage and heal of active faults have been recognized by earth scientists world-wildly. Dr. Li has published 4 important papers since 1990, and more than 60 refereed papers. Recently, he edited 2 geophysics book published by China Higher Education Press and De Gruyter in 2012 and 2014. He served on editorial boards for academic publications, proposal reviewer for government funding agents and paper reviewer for scientific journals. Dr. Li is often interviewed by news media for outreach of his scientific expertise to public communities, leading them to have a better understanding of earthquakes and natural hazards.
Research Interest
Yong-Gang Li research interest are Earth Sciences and Geophysics.