Leo Z. Archambault

Editorial Board Member

Fashion Merchandising
Mount Ida College, USA

Contact Leo Z. Archambault

Department / University Information


Leo Zak Archambault has been at Mount Ida College since 1986. In addition to a Bachelor of Science Degree from Suffolk University and a Masters in Business Administration from Salem State College, and ABD at Nova Southeastern University, Prof. Archambault has over 15 years of retail industry experience in big ticket commission sales, store operations and merchandise management, buying, inventory control, and retail marketing. Highly aware of the necessity for entrepreneurship education across the curriculum, Prof. Archambault has worked in creating retail store simulations with secondary and post secondary students. He has also served as a co-director for a Coleman Grant funded series of Business Conferences that sought to teach entrepreneurship skills to non-business majors within the College. He is a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and the National Retail Federation (NRF). He is a charter member of the Collegiate Entrepreneurship Organization (CEO) and the United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) and has spoken at their national conferences on the topic of entrepreneurship education. Prof. Archambault is now Department chair for Fashion Merchandising and Marketing.

Research Interest

Leo Z. Archambault's research interests include: Fashion Merchandising and Marketing